
Category Archives for "Digital Analytics"

How To Enable Demographics and Interest Data in Google Analytics and WordPress

How To Enable Demographics and Interest Data in Google Analytics and WordPress.About Demographics and Interest Data Using Google Analytics you can analyze your site users by age, gender, and interest categories.  Demographics and interests data provides information about the age and gender of your users, along with the interests they express through their online travel and purchasing […]


How To Install Google Analytics in WordPress by MonsterInsights

In this article, I’ll show you how you can easily connect your WordPress Site with Google Analytics using MonsterInsights in a Step-by-Step process. Let’s go. Table of Content How To Integrate Google Analytics in Your WordPress Site using MonsterInsights STEP 1. Create Google Analytics AccountSTEP 2. Add Your Site in Google Analytics2.1  Account Setup2.2  What Do […]


How To Set-up Author Tracking in WordPress with Google Analytics (The Easy Way)

Do you have more than one person writing content on your blog in WordPress? If you do, you probably want to track the performance of each individual author.You can track their performance in Google Analytics and have the reports display inside your WordPress dashboard. With Google Analytics Custom Dimensions, you can choose to track your own custom data. You can track performance for authors, categories, tags, searches, users, […]


How To Add Google Analytics To Your WordPress Site

How To Add Google Analytics To Your WordPress SiteIn this article, I’ll show you how to add Google Analytics To Your WordPress Site using Tracking Code and using a WordPress Plugin The Process of Collecting Analytics Data using Google Analytics. How To Add Google Analytics To Your WordPress SiteWhat is Google Analytics?Defining Digital AnalyticsDifferent kinds […]