Understand What is Site Structure and Why It is Important. How To get started creating a solid site structure for your new or old site to enhance seo and google ranking.Read on..

Site Structure

How To Create Solid Site Structure to Enhance SEO

By Dane Ravina

November 30, 2019

Learn how to create a solid and clear site structure to improve your site structure to rank higher in Google and other search engine.

1. What is Site Structure

Site Structure refers to how you organize your website content. It refers to the overarching hierarchy of your website – how you get from one page to the next, and how they all relate to one another.

A site’s URL structure should be as simple as possible. Consider organizing your site content so that your site URL structure are constructed logically and in a way that it most intelligent to human (use readable words in the site permalink).

2. The Importance of Site Structure

Structuring your website is crucial for both its usability and findability. Having a clear site structure help guide the visitors to the information they are looking for in your site and also it helps Google understand your site.

“A Rising bounce rate is a sure sign that your homepage is boring or off-putting – Decrease Bounce rate by improving site structure.”

3. Get Started With Your Site Structure

A hierarchy is nothing more than a way to organize your information  — something that is simple and make sense. your hierarchy will also become your navigation and your URL structure, so everything important begins here.

Generally, a site hierarchy looks like this : 

Sometimes, content on your website becomes irrelevant or out of date, and you need to decide whether to update it or delete it. It’s part of your regular content maintenance activities.

It’s likely that you have old posts or pages on your site that you don’t need anymore. Think along the lines of a blog post about a product you stopped selling a while ago and have no intention of ever selling again, an announcement of an event that took place a long time ago or old pages with little or no content – so-called thin content pages.

This old content adds no value anymore, now or for the foreseeable future. In that case, you need to either tell Google to forget about these old posts or pages or give the URL another purpose (updating content on the pages, adding current and helpful content).

When I talk about deleting old content, I don’t mean just pressing “delete” and then forgetting about it. If you do that, the content might show up in Google for weeks after deletion. The URL might actually have some link value as well, which would be a shame to waste. 

So, what should you do? Here are two options:

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